Thursday, November 02, 2006

"The Country's F'ed...We'reTotally F'ed..."-Conan

"Big election. Five days left. No matter who wins...The country's f'ed. The country's f'ed. We're totally f'ed...." -taken from Conan O'Brien's Lullaby Song on 11/2/06 First of all, I want to say, I do not agree with the way things are being done in our government at this time, but I am very proud of our troops and all of the people who choose to fight for our country because they believe in the United States of America, and the freedom that goes with this great nation. I am proud to be an American. I am so sick of the campaign wars. I am tired of hearing all parties go at each other like school children saying "I know you are, but what am I?" If you ask me, it's simpleminded and absurd. I think that a big part of being a good leader is having good character. I don't think good character includes bashing your opponent in commercials. Someone was telling me those actually work. I don't see how. I just get angry when I see them. The funny thing is I lose respect for my party the same way. I think, man, why did they have to sink to that level? I think I may be getting on one of my rants, so I am gonna wrap the politcal crap up....on to my next topic. Meds I am on Wellbutrin XL 300mg, Topamax 300mg, and now Lithium 600mg too. After taking the Lithium, I feel so achy and even more tired. I just feel like I am taking too much medicine, but I know I have to be med-compliant if I want to control my symptoms as much as possible. It's not like I don't have my good moments during the day. I have fun times with my little daughter. We played a bit today, and had a good time at dinner. Dinner is our main family meal. My grandmother and grandfather and my daughter and myself {sometimes others if they are around- I have a large family- somewhat dysfunctional (some more than others), but I am thankful for them} all gather around the table and eat a home cooked meal every week night and then on weekends we usually order in. We eat late. Always have. We watch a TV program if it's one of our favorites like Grey's Anatomy or Boston Legal or ER. My grandmother is totally addicted to Lost. It's funny that she can't miss it or she will freak out, but she won't admit that she will freak out-she is in total denial about her Lost addiction. Anyway, so I am all over the place with this post. I took my meds, and I cannot stay focused. I am agitated and feel like just doing something utterly rediculous that makes no sense like breaking expensive china or something. It's a feeling I guess I can't quite explain and is probably fleeting anyway, as most are these days. I was thinking about that moods- if I can just make it through this next hour or day, this will pass. I am not sleeping much. This would strike me as a symptom of mania, but I feel more depressed than manic. Since I started taking the lithium, I think I have tremors. I feel shaky and just kindof strange. My head hurts. My tummy hurts. My eyes hurts. My back hurts. There's not many places that do not hurt right now on my body. My face is usually clear, and it's starting to break out. I feel pretty, oh so pretty......blah, blah, blah. This is not very uplifting. I should try to think of something good to talk about. Hmm... I thank God that I did feel good enough to make dinner tonight and clean up and wash clothes and take out the trash and Grey's Anatomy was on tonight. Also, I sat and rocked with my baby girl for an hour and she actually sat still, and we had our dogs upstairs with us. Seinfeld was on and she did get down and run around a few times, but she is getting so big (almost 2) that she rarely wants to just sit and rock with Mommy anymore for any extended length of time. It's something I really miss. I love her so much and she just gets more special to me everyday. I cherish her baby years, but it is so awesome seeing the little girl she is growing up to be. She amazes me with all the new things she learns everyday. The things she picks up just by observation is mind boggling and a little scary. I have to really watch what I do and say. I sometimes forget she can understand everything even though she can't put it into the words yet. It is quite a humbling responsiblity to have. I don't always feel qualified. I want to do everything I can to help her to feel loved and cherished. She is so special. The love of my life. My baby girl. I am truly blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I totally agree about the political BS. I've heard negative campaign ads work too, but I can think they only work for people who don't pay attention to the news & are very naive.
I was on Topamax last year, for about 6 months. Please be careful cuz it can have really bad side effects, which it did on me. The main thing to watch for is loss of vocabulary. If you haven't researched the drug, I hope you'll do so. I'm not trying to scare you, but I wouldn't want anyone to go thru what I did.
Your baby girl sounds adorable. She's fortunate to have such a loving mom. :)